Cross-Town Schools

As a Cross-Town University student, you have an opportunity to enroll in Air Force ROTC (AFROTC), receive a scholarship, gain leadership/management training and experience, and be guaranteed a job in the United States Air Force after commissioning as a 2nd Lieutenant. Although AFROTC Detachment 250 is located on the campus of Iowa State University, if students are enrolled in any of our cross-town schools, Drake University, Grand View University, and Des Moines Area Community College, they can participate in AFROTC just as if you were an ISU student in the program. This means you earn your degree from Drake, Grand View, or DMACC, but you commission from Detachment 250 at Iowa State University, as a 2nd Lieutenant.

Please note that you do NOT need a scholarship to participate in AFROTC. But if you do get offered and accept a scholarship from AFRTOC, some univeristies will cover your room/board expenses making the scholarship a true “full ride” scholarship. Actually, it’s more than a full ride, as ROTC scholarships pay a monthly living stipend as well.

Are you interested in pursuing a law or medical degree right after college? You can participate in a program called an “educational delay” after completing AFROTC, and then commission as an officer once you have completed your graduate profession in law or medical. But this is only one of many options that AFROTC participation offers. Contact Det 250 at for more information. If you’re concerned about the details of participating from any of our cross-town schools, please look some of the Cadet FAQ’s by clicking the link below.